Registrations & Appointments


Albemarle Medical Associates, PLLC is committed to providing quality healthcare to all patients. Every effort will be made to schedule you at the earliest, most convenient time for you. Appointments for routine wellness exams/yearly physicals should be scheduled well in advance. We have allotted same day appointments on each business day, however, we encourage you to call as early as possible. Appointments are available Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and to Fridays from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Check-In Procedures

For established patients, please arrive to your appointment at least 15 minutes in advance and new patients are asked to arrive at least 45 minutes in advance. We ask that you bring a valid photo ID and insurance card/s as it will be verified at the time of visit. 


As your Patient Centered Medical Home we provide you with first-contact care that is personal, coordinated, comprehensive, and that meets most or all of your healthcare needs. Dr. Tejwant S. Chandi is board certified in Internal Medicine and can diagnose and treat a wide range of health issues. Should the need for specialist intervention arise, Dr. Chandi will initiate the referral. Our healthcare team will contact the specialist office to initiate your appointment.